What happens at Action Members Live?

Action Members Live is one of our milestone events and we often get asked “what happens at Action Members Live?” So here’s a detailed description of exactly what you can expect at these events. We’ll also give you an insight into who would benefit from this event.

What happens at Action Members Live

What happens at Action Members Live?

What is Action Members Live event?

Actions Members Live is a business coaching event designed to make sure that the business owners that attend get a shot in the arm for their business. There’s business education, peer-to-peer mastermind groups, guest speakers, and a session where our coaches will look at where you are now, where you want to be and how you can get there.

What happens at an Action Members Live event?

People often turn up to their first Action Members Live event without knowing what to expect.

So here’s a detailed breakdown of the agenda:

9 – 9.30 am – Welcome & Networking 

Arriving at 9 am is crucial to make the most of the day. It gives you a chance to network with the other business owners, grab a coffee and then we’ll give you a warm welcome and run you through the agenda.

9.30 10 am – Reviews and Referrals

Once we get going and the welcome is over, we’ll run you through the agenda. Then we move on to reviews and referrals. If you’ve done business with anyone in the room, you’ll give them a review. Then it’s time to tell your partner in the exercise all about your business so they can pass you a referral. Within an hour of starting, you’ll have both a review and a referral.

*All reviews must be ethical, you wouldn’t complete a review for someone saying “their product is amazing” if you’ve never bought from them. The ethical thing to do in that instance is to review the person, rather than the product, and that can be ethically done on different platforms such as LinkedIn or Facebook.

10 – 12 pm – Business Education 

Now it’s time for business education. One of our coaches will take one of the educational slots and we’ll usually have one or two guest speakers for the other educational slots. Sometime’s the speakers are face-to-face and sometimes we link up with virtual speakers. The speakers are ALWAYS the best in the market. We have had speakers such as Damian Hughes from The High-Performance Podcast and Sharon Lechter who wrote: “Think And Grow Rich For Women.”

The education is on a different topic for each of our Action Members’ Live events. We cover every area of business from marketing, to sales. Or maybe it’s finance and the importance of knowing your numbers or how to write content for your website. The topic changes every month at each Action Members Live and is always on a specific area of business.

12 – 1 pm – Review your learnings & updates from the team

Now it’s time to review the learnings and set some actions. You’ll join a small group of other business owners and review each other’s actions. You will give and receive feedback to make your actions even stronger. Then finally we’ll finish with any updates from our coaching team before breaking for lunch.

1 – 1.30 pm – Lunch

This bit’s pretty straight forward so we won’t insult you by explaining what lunch means. 😂

1.30 – 2.45 pm – Where are you now, where do you want to be, how do we get you there & a look at the coaching programmes.

Now the groups will break off and you’ll join our coaching team for a review. We’ll look at where you are now, where you want to be and how you can get where you want to be. This will give you so much clarity on what’s been holding you back and what you can do to move forward. Clarity is power after all.

Then we’ll guide you through our coaching programme. There’s an opportunity to join a coaching programme on the day and the memberships start from as little as £12.50 + VAT per month as you can see here.

2.45 – 3 pm – Break

Quick tea and coffee break to get you ready for one of the coolest parts of the day.

3 – 4 pm – The hot seat

Here it is, the hot seat. We only have one rule when it comes to the hot seat. “We don’t talk about the hot seat” so unfortunately, this is the only section that we can’t give you more information on.

Please note: Only our experienced business owners that have been with the programme for a long time will be asked to join the hot seat. Most of the time the hot seat is filled by volunteers and people that have asked to go in it.

4 – 4.30 pm – Plan what you do next & wrap up

Then we finish up with an action plan. What are you going to do next with all of the education and knowledge that you’ve got picked up?

And finally, we ask the room “what’s been the most valuable thing from today?”

And that’s a wrap.

4.30 pm – Finish so you can head to the bar for a drink or head on home

There’s always a bar nearby, and we pretty much always head over there after the 90-day planning event. So you’re more than welcome to join us at the bar for a drink.

How will it help me?

There are two main benefits from Actions Members Live events. The first is education. You’ll get an abundance of education on the day from multiple guest speakers including one of our coaches. 

The second benefit of the day is the accountability that you’ll receive from your peers AND the coaches. There’s no point in getting some of the best business education in the world if you do nothing with it. Our experts will do what they do best to make sure that you are motivated and committed to completing your actions.

The added extra; networking and meeting all of the other business owners. The community that is on the Action Members Live programme is really special. It’s full of people that are committed to personal development and bettering themselves. The spirit of the group is something else and you’ll absolutely love being around the kind of people that will be there.

What if I don’t want to grow my business?

Then this probably isn’t the event for you. This event suits those kinds of business owners that are inspired by growth. They want to build their business and develop. If you are happy where you are or are even thinking of winding down this business, this really isn’t going to be your kind of event. 

How many people will be there?

At each of our Action Members Live events, there will be between 50 and 100 business owners. 

Who is the event for?

The event is for business owners (any industry and any size) that are looking to grow and that want to be more. If you are on the personal development journey, enjoy reading, enjoy learning and want to grow personally then this event is perfect for you.

It’s a high energy, fast-paced and an exciting place to be.

The other business owners in the room come in all shapes and sizes from all different industries.

There will be one-man bands and business owners that have companies as big as £100 million in annual revenue.

So the size and industry really do vary, but the thing that’s consistent is that all of the business owners have a wonderful spirit, genuinely want each other to do well and are on a journey of personal development.

What kind of business would benefit from Action Members Live?

The type of business is less important than the type of person that runs the business. We have all kinds of different companies from different indsutries. From window cleaners to solicitors and everything inbetween. We have organisations that sell products and organisations that sell services. Finally there’s businesses that are start ups or one man bands, and companies that have annual revenues of £100 million per year.

All of those companies benefit from the day. Really it’s the kind of person that dictates how much benefit the day will generate.

It suits the kind of person that is open to learning and that is coachable. There are some people that just absorb the learnings and then take action on them. It suits that kind of person as well. On the other hand, if your the kind of person that struggles taking new infomation in or that finds it hard listening to a speaker and your peers, then this might not be the right event for you.

As a general rule, if people are open to learning, ready to act on those learnings, and have a growth mindset, this event will be right up your street because that’s pretty much what happens at an Action Members Live event.

If you don’t like change, have difficulty in a group environment or struggle listening for a sustained period, you might be better at a different event.

Is there a big sales pitch?

There’s an opportunity to join a membership later on in the afternoon. We’ll sit down with you and look at where you are now, where you want to go and how you are going to get there. After that, we’ll talk you through the programmes and you have the opportunity to sign up there and then on the day. All you need is your phone and banking details to sign up. 

If you don’t want to sign up, that’s ok as well. Coaching isn’t for everybody after all.

How much does it cost to attend the event?

It’s completely free to attend this event for the first time. If you’ve been to the event before for free, you’ll need to sign up to a membership before coming along. The great news is we have memberships from just £12.50 + VAT per month so it doesn’t need to break the bank to come to our events.

Where can I register?

You can register for our next Action Members live event here.

How long does the event last?

The Action Members Live event starts promptly at 9 am. We kick off with networking and a warm welcome from our coaches before jumping straight in to start the day.

It finishes at 4.30 pm officially, although lots of the business owners head over to the bar for a drink and celebration afterward. Although the chat at the bar isn’t officially a part of the programme, that’s just what happens at an Action Members Live event. It’s a place where lots of connections and relationships are built.

How often are these events?

The Action Members Live events are every month. It’s slightly different for the first month of the quarter when we introduce the 90-day planning workshop. That replaces the morning session of the standard Action Members Live format.

The event’s usually take place on the first or second Monday of the month.

How many times can I come?

You can come for free just once. If you want to come again you can either sign up for our growth membership and come once a quarter. Or you can join any of our other memberships and come every single month (3 times a quarter).

Is there lunch? Oh and what about tea and coffee?

Yes to both, we provide lunch and hot drinks throughout the day. They are both usually supplied by the venue.

Where are the Action Members Live events usually run?

The venue tends to change but in general they stay in one central area in the heart of the North West. We’ve ran events in Manchester, Liverpool, Warrington, St Helens, Wigan and Leigh. Generally speaking, that core area within the heart of the North West is where we tend to stay.

Where do I go to check in?

When you arrive at the venue just ask at reception for the Action Coach event and they will guide you to the right place. Once you get outside the room we are using you’ll see someone from the Action Coach team. They’ll be at the registration desk (clearly marked with Action Coach stuff) and they’ll check you in.

What parking arrangements are available at the venue?

We always try to secure a venue with free parking. With so many of our members travelling from outside the area we want to make sure the parking is as easy as possible.

Is there anything I need to bring with me?

Yes, you’ll need a pad and pen (coloured pens are even better if you have some, if you don’t it might be worth heading over to amazon.co.uk).

You’ll also need to bring a fully charged laptop or tablet to set your 90-day goal on the Action Plan software. It’s worth making sure it’s got plenty of battery life because the venues usually have a shortage of plug sockets.

You can use your phone for the software but it’s a little tricker. Action Plan is best used on a laptop or tablet.

So in summary, bring along with you:

Pens (coloured preferably)


Laptop or tablet fully charged

Can I leave early?

You can, although we wouldn’t recommend it. One of the most beautiful parts of our 90-day planning event is that the business is required to work without you for the day.

We know it can feel like the most urgent and demanding thing in the world when you are away from the business. But having time to work ON the business is truly the most important thing that you can do to grow. That is exactly what happens at a 90-day planning event.

Is lunch included?

Yes, lunch is included and served by the venue. If you have any dietary requirements just let our team know in advance.

Can I bring someone with me?

Yes absolutely. We always encourage the business owners we work with to make sure that all directors and shareholders are there to set the direction of the company. It’s also worth bringing any department heads or members of the senior leadership team along so that they can plan how to move their department forward. That’s generally what happens at Action Members Live event.

And if you want a team member to join the coaching programme, they can do so for just £100 + VAT per month.

* Please note, on all of our programmes the directors and owners of the business listed on companies house are included in the price of one membership. Only additional team members need to invest the extra £100.

Are there breakout sessions? 

There are lots of breakout sessions throughout the day. In those sessions you’ll work ON your business, chat with the other owners in the room and have a chance to ask questions.

And that’s a wrap…

That is exactly what happens at an Action Members Live event and what you can expect from the day. If you have any further questions about what happens at the events or anything else just drop us an email to:

