How can a business coach help me with time and being busy?
We’ve all been there. Drowning in a sea of deadlines, overflowing to-do lists, and a schedule that feels like a never-ending race against time. And just when you thought you were getting a handle on things, you realise you’ve been so busy “being busy” that you forgot to actually enjoy life. That’s where a business coach comes in. So how can a business coach help you with time and being busy?
There are a few simple techniques and strategies that will really help you get a handle on your time. We’ll share them with you in this article.
What about those of you thinking, well just how long and how often do I see a business coach? Ultimately it depends on the membership you choose. But with most good business coaches, you decide together how much time you should be working on the business by way of your coaching programme. You’ll also look at how much time you should be spending working in the business.
The key thing to understand is, not everyone needs a coach for this stuff. Some people are great at it already. If you find the tips useful in this article and think you can nail them without a coach that’s great too. And if you are still unsure when you get to the bottom of this article, you check out our learning centre to understand exactly how a business coach works.
It’s time to get going.
Helping you figure out what’s causing you to be so busy and have less time
First things first, a coach would have to help you figure out the problem.
Let’s be real, everybody is busy.
Being a business owner is like trying to balance a million spinning plates while also walking a tightrope. Between meetings, emails, projects, and a to-do list that never seems to end, it’s a wonder we have any time for ourselves at all. And let’s not even get started on trying to find time for friends, family, and, you know, basic self-care. But hey, at least we have caffeine and stress-eating to keep us going, right?
So if everybody is busy, and business owners have a million different things to take care of, does that mean there’s no hope?
Of course not.
Re-read the first line in this section. The first thing a coach has to do is help you figure out why you’ve been so busy.
Figuring out why you’ve been so busy
Everybody is different. Everybody is also busy. I’ve never met a guy or girl that said “you know what, as a business owner I have too much time on my hands.” Some people are busy being the technician (a haidresser cutting hair) and some are busy managing the team. Others are busy building systems. And some are just busy fighting fires. We have to get really clear on what’s making you busy. There are some brilliant tools for helping you figure out why you’ve been so busy.
Here are just a few of them:
- Keep a time log for a week, writing down everything you do and how long it takes. This will give you a clear picture of where your time is going and what can be trimmed or shifted.
- Diary audit – Go back through your diary over the last 90 days and document each task you did and how long you did it. Once you’ve done this you can start seeing clearly whether you’re performing the high-level tasks. You’ll also see whether there are some tasks that you could be paying someone minimum wage to complete.
- Prioritise your tasks using Stephen Covey’s “Urgent vs Important Matrix.” It’s a great tool for figuring out what’s truly important and what can wait.
The Urgent vs Important Matrix
In his book “The 7 Habits of highly effective people” Stephen Covey talks about his Urgent vs Important matrix.
It’s like a filter for all the stuff you have to do, helping you focus on what’s truly important and not just what’s shouting the loudest.
Here’s how it works:
Imagine a grid, one side for “Important” and one for “Urgent.” Tasks that are both important and urgent go in the top-left box. Think of these as crises that need your immediate attention. This would be things like a customer complaint or a sales meeting.

How can a business coach help me with time and being busy?
Tasks that are neither important nor urgent go in the bottom-right box. These are distractions and time-wasters. Things like checking social media or filtering pointless emails. The tasks that are urgent but not important go in the bottom-left box. These are things like interruptions from team members. Maybe they just need help with something but they come to you instead of checking the system. They certainly don’t help a business progress and grow.
And finally, tasks that are very important but not urgent go in the top-right box. These are things like setting your 90 day plan, working on your goals and self-care. Ultimately, this is working on the business. It’s not urgent (like the screaming customer) but it’s the most important thing to help your business grow.
By using the matrix, you can see at a glance where you might be wasting time and what you should be focusing on. You can start to write a plan in regard to what you should avoid getting sucked into. Realistically the things to avoid are in the black hole of urgent but unimportant tasks. The matrix is a simple way to take control of your time and make the most of your day.
Once you have visibility and awareness, you can do something about it. So start writing all the tasks that you complete in a week and see where in the “Urgent vs Important” matrix they sit.
Remember, finding a balance is all about being intentional with your time and making choices that serve you and your goals.
Business is not spelled with a Y
Business owners are busy folks, always on the move and with a never-ending to-do list. It’s like they’ve got a million things to do and only one pair of hands. But the truth is, they wear many hats. From CEO to janitor, accountant to the salesperson. And each one takes its toll.
Another key step to take when it comes to being set free and getting your time back is, getting out of some of the boxes.
Think of a company organisation chart, if you are in every single box how the hell can it grow?

The Organisation Chart
If you’re trying to perform all the key tasks in the business, you’re not going to do any of them particularly well.
Add with the pressure of keeping the lights on and making a profit, you’ve got a recipe for a heart attack. But hey, that’s the price you pay for being the boss that wants to control everything.
So how can a business coach help me with time and being busy?
First things first, a business coach will help you prioritise. No more trying to juggle 100 different tasks at once. And no more spending 30 hours a week on tasks that you could literally employ anybody to do. Your coach will help you figure out what’s truly important and what can wait until tomorrow (or never). They’ll teach you how to focus on the most critical tasks to business growth, so you can make the most of your time and feel less overwhelmed.
Next up, is time management. If you’re like most people, you probably have a love-hate relationship with your diary. A business coach will show you time-management techniques that actually work, like time blocking. Time blocking is a time management technique where you schedule specific blocks of time for specific tasks or activities. It works by providing structure and focus to your day. It means you working on the stuff you previously decided was important to grow the business. Rather than waiting until you are a hot steaming mess and making decisions in the moment.
A coach will also help you create a schedule that works for you, so you can be productive without sacrificing all the good stuff in life.
Goal Setting
Goal setting is also a big part of what a business coach can help with. They’ll help you set goals that align with your values and priorities. By focusing on what matters most to you, you’ll stay motivated and on track, even when the going gets tough.
Breaking down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks is another trick up a business coach’s sleeve. They’ll help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, so you can make progress without feeling overwhelmed. It’s like having a cheerleader for your to-do list. Every small victory will feel like a win.
When you work backwards from your “north star” or biggest dream, it can be so much easier to decide what’s important and what you should be doing now.
Mindfulness is also a key component of what a business coach can offer. They’ll teach you techniques to help you stay present and focused on the task at hand, reducing distractions and improving your productivity. And let’s be real, who doesn’t need a reminder to take a deep breath and relax every now and then?
Delegating tasks is another biggie. A business coach can help you identify what tasks you can hand off to others. Freeing up more time for the things only you can do. They’ll also teach you how to delegate effectively, so you can trust that the work will get done right. Much better than abdicating, which means throwing a task at someone with little explanation or training and just hoping they nail it.
Finally, a business coach can also help you build a network of like-minded individuals who can provide support, advice, and new opportunities. Having a business coaching community is a crucial part of success, and a coach can help you make the most of your time by connecting you with people who can help you grow and succeed.
So there you have it – a business coach is like a superhero for your schedule and your sanity. They’ll help you manage your time, reduce stress, and achieve your goals. All while keeping you laughing and enjoying life. Don’t wait until you’re up to your neck in deadlines, take control and start figuring out “What can I actually do to give myself more time?”
But not everyone would benefit from working with a coach. To find out who wouldn’t just check out our article here on “The 5 biggest problems with business coaching.”
If that’s you, then take these tools and suggestions and get to work. Because getting your time back in business is crucial to help it grow, and enjoy your personal life.