How To Earn More By Working Less In 3 Simple Steps
There are too many people out there using the quote “No one will outwork me”. Hey, if that’s your strategy… feel free to proceed. But one of the most common questions we get asked is… “How can I earn more by working less?”
You thought this was a joke?
Well it isn’t, I’m dead serious.
There are far too many motivational speakers and Instagram influencers claiming that they work harder than anybody else.
One of our clients owns 16 companies with a combined turnover of more than £100 million.
And he’s 27 years old.
But he doesn’t ‘work harder than anybody else’.
Thinking that you could do the same?
Well, I used to work too hard as well.
The 18-hour days, 7 days a week.
But I didn’t start making big money until I did this…
And you’re about to find out what it is.
So if you’ve been working around the clock for years, it’s about time things changed for you.
It’s time to learn how to make some serious money…

How To Earn More By Working Less
Working Hard – Earn More By Working Less
I hear so many people brag online about ‘working hard’.
As if ‘you won’t outwork me’ is something to brag about.
It isn’t even true, is it?
Everyone can be outworked.
There’s always going to be someone that works harder than you.
Which means if they say ‘you won’t outwork me’, they’re literally lying.
It isn’t objective.
In fact, it’s so subjective it makes my ears hurt.
But here’s what’s even crazier about that saying;
They’re measuring the wrong thing…
Warren Buffet famously said ‘If I make 2 good decisions a year, I’ve had a good year’.
So how come he’s one of the richest guys in the world?
He sits around, makes 2 decisions, and eats MacDonalds all year (Good ol’ Warren).
While “Mr. Motivated” over here is working a 100-hour week.
For what?
His Instagram likes that make him £0.
Well if you shouldn’t be working so damn hard, what should you be doing?
Hey listen, I work hard.
And I work hard because I love my work.
In fact, I love working full-stop. I love making progress.
But I’d never sit here and say ‘No-one works harder than me… or you can’t outwork me’. (Although I’m sure the younger, naive version of me would have said that).
Because I understand LEVERAGE

Earn More And Work Less Using Leverage
Using Leverage To Earn More And Work Less
If you try to lift a car and use a little stick for leverage, it’s not going to move.
But the longer the stick, the more leverage you have.
And lifting a car becomes pretty easy.
Which means you need a bigger stick!
So here’s the formula…
Volume Of Activity X Leverage Of Activity = The result
The volume of activity is how much you do. But it’s the least important part of the equation.
You could make 400 calls a day (which would be insane!) and if you had no leverage you’d still only live an average life.
But if you had a team of 10 guys making just 200 calls a day… you could become very wealthy.
Very fast.
What’s the difference?
So yes, increase your volume, but use leverage to do it.
After that, it’s time to focus on the leverage of the activity (instead of more volume). Because when you focus on leverage, something magical happens.
Leveraging the activity means making the activity more effective.
So how could you leverage the calls that the sales guys are making?
Get them to write, design and use a very strong offer.
An offer that makes the purchase a no-brainer. Make the offer so good, they’d be stupid not to take it.
Then give them scripts from the top salesperson so that everyone can perform at the same level.
If every single salesperson was using the same script as the best guys or girls, the results would improve.
That’s leverage.
Next up, you might hire the top sales coach in the world to teach them how to sell even better.
That’s leverage.
Now look back…
You could either
A) Make 400 calls a day yourself and have no time to do anything else (including grow the business and see your family)
B) Leverage the volume by hiring 10 people, then leverage the activity by improving the scripts, getting training/coaching, and using a great offer…
The difference in the result would be huge.
So how can you use this in your business today?
Here’s the top tip.
You have to start working ON the business instead of IN it.
Earn More By Working Less
It’s no use doing a little bit of everything.
You know what I mean.
You have your hands in all the pies.
Running the company
And more!
Well, if that’s the case…
You’ll never grow.
You should have someone in marketing that’s responsible for getting people to know who you are and generating leads.
The sales team should be converting those leads until they become paying customers.
Finance should be making sure you’re profitable and everything is in order financially.
Whilst operations are making sure your customers have an incredible journey.
And what about you, what should you be doing?
Whatever you want… in whichever department you want!
It might be the typical ‘head of company’ role where you spend your time strategising and leading the troops.
Or it could be something else.
It doesn’t really matter.
But one thing is for sure.
You can’t grow a business whilst all roads lead to you.
Which means “you can’t outwork me” is the wrong measurement.
It’s time to start building a business.
And ditch the job.

Work On The Business To Earn More And Work Less
Working On The Business – Earn More By Working Less
It’s easy to feel stuck as a small business owner.
All roads point to you.
Customers complain to you.
So does your team.
And your suppliers even contact you directly to whinge.
How do you stop the barrage?
We’ve seen plenty of business owners like this that are ready to close their business down and walk away.
But it doesn’t have to be like that.
Business isn’t spelt with a ‘Y’ (busyness).
But the only way you can get out of this mess is with leverage.
And the easiest way to leverage in business is through technology and people.
Leverage Technology To Work Less And Earn More
One of the most important things to do to free yourself is a time log.
You need to know where you’re spending your time.
So just take note of everything you do in a day.
And write down how long you spent doing that task.
When you’ve completed the time log and you’ve got a list of everything you do, and how long you do it for…
Rate each task.
Rate it on how important it is and how much it’s helping the business move forward.
And very quickly you’ll start to see which unimportant tasks you’re spending a long time on.
Now you have 3 choices.
- Delete the task – No one needs to do it so you simply ditch the task.
- Delegate the task – Pass it on to a team member that you believe in. Especially the unimportant or boring tasks.
- Find some technology to take the task from you – A great example of this would be if you are physically uploading all of your expenses to your finance software. There are certain technologies and software that can do that for you.
Go through the list and make a decision on each task.
Some you’ll want to keep.
And some you’ll want to get rid of.
But what you’ll find is that you’ll have more time straight away.
And now you can get to work growing the business.
An Organisation Chart – Leveraging People
Now that you’ve freed up some time by leveraging technology and delegating tasks, it’s time to create an organisation chart.
An ‘Org chart’ will help you visualise the structure of your company and spot any gaps or areas that need improvement.
Start by listing all the key roles and responsibilities in your business.
It could include positions like marketing manager, sales representative, operations manager, finance director, HR coordinator, and so on.
Once you have a comprehensive list, arrange them in a hierarchical structure. Put the most critical roles at the top and the supporting roles below.
Having an organisation chart allows you to see how your business functions as a whole.
The main reason we want to use it when we’re looking at how you can earn more by working less…
Leveraging people.
It’s highly likely that there are some tasks that you are doing that could be completed by someone else.
An org chart helps you understand the flow of tasks that need doing.
You can start to get clear on who should be completing each task.
And the bonus is… when you know who should be doing each task holding people accountable comes pretty easily.
Then it’s time to think about the skills and capabilities of your team members.
Are they in the right roles?
Do they have the necessary skills to excel in their positions?
It’s important to align people’s strengths with the tasks they perform to maximise their potential and productivity.
If you notice any gaps in your organisation chart or areas where skills are lacking, it may be time to hire new talent or provide additional training.
Investing in your employees’ growth and skill enhancement is an investment in the success of your business.
As a business owner, your role should evolve from being an operator to a leader.
Your focus should shift from day-to-day tasks to strategic planning, business development, and fostering a positive company culture.
This means stepping away from the minutiae of daily operations and empowering your team to handle the small stuff so you don’t have to.
Now you’ve got space to think.
And that’s where the value really comes from.
Then as your business evolves you might want to review the organisation chart.
Or you might review it as you introduce new products or services, enter new markets, or experience changes in customer demand.
Summary – Earn More By Working Less
There’s one thing for sure.
Your business won’t grow whilst you’re doing everything.
And knuckling down or ‘working harder’ will only mean you have more tasks to do.
They won’t always bring you more money.
But they will bring you more stress.
When you can ‘get off the tools’ and start thinking, or strategising…
Thing change.
So complete your time log.
Work out which tasks you’re doing that could (should) be completed by someone else.
Then start to delegate them.
Once you’ve got a bit of spare time, you can even build an organisational chart.
Ideally, we want you to do as little as possible when it comes to operations.
That way, you can get paid for your ideas.
Instead of trading time for money.