5 Important Tools To Help You Become Great At Writing Offers
Most people write bad offers. And when you’re writing bad offers, you’re getting awful results. But here’s the problem, most people don’t know about the 3 things that make an awful offer…
Which is worrying because of the difference in results between a good offer and a bad offer. To be frank, the difference is mind boggling.
So if you want to start writing great offers, there are 5 things that you MUST do.
Especially if you want to avoid writing awful offers.
And you should want to avoid writing awful offers.
Because honestly, a bad offer will result in NO SALES.
And here’s why…
A great advert, blog, social media post or video has several key elements.
3 of the key elements are:
Target – Who you are targeting with your advert. If you don’t have a specific target you’ll struggle.
Copy – Short for copywriting. which means the words you use and how you write.
Offer – If your offer doesn’t exist (e.g you ask them to buy at full price with no reason to do so now) it won’t work. If you have a great offer that entices people to buy right now then you’ll start to see results.
If you can get these 3 key elements nailed, you’ll improve your results.
And make more money from your marketing efforts.
But here’s why the offer is so important.
Imagine this, you sit down and write an advert. The copy of that advert is poor but the offer is incredible. It’s an offer that’s too good to miss out on.
There’s a good chance that even with poor copy, the offer will get people to buy.
But on the other hand, if you have an advert and the copy is great. It’s well written. It’s intriguing. And reading it is fun and exciting… but the offer is non-existent and your product is expensive…
…you’re unlikely to make many sales.
A good offer can make up for bad copy.
But good copy can’t make up for a bad offer.
Of course, in an ideal world you’d have great copy and a great offer…
And in this article, we’re going to take a deep dive and show you how you can start writing great offers.
Because a great offer will increase your conversion.
Make you more sales.
Get your prospects excited.
And even help you sell your products or services for a better price in the future.
First, make sure you start with a great hook.
The first 50 words should have people sat on the edge of their seat.
Excited to read the next line.
If you mess up the hook, no-one will read on.
Then tell a story.
Stories help our brains but things in order.
They tap into emotion.
And they keep the audience engaged.
The story should always be relevant and make the reader want to engage with whatever it is that you’re selling.
Then comes the offer.
A good offer is an offer that seems like a no-brainer.
It’s simple.
And extremely valuable.
Something that makes the customers want to buy from you straight away.
And now that you know how important a great offer is, let’s get down to business and teach you how to write one.

Writing Great Offers
What does a bad offer look like?
Bad offers are boring.
They’re uninviting.
And plain.
They don’t make the prospect want to take action and they don’t get results.
Here’s an example, imagine that I was selling a ticket for a business event:
‘10% off all tickets’
There is so much missing from that offer.
It has no sense of urgency.
If everyone get’s the offer then it doesn’t make me feel special
I don’t even know how much value I’m getting when someone says ‘10% off’.
As we start looking at what a great offer looks like, take note of those things mentioned above.
And start thinking about how we can take the ‘10% off’ and make it a better offer.
Here’s another poor example:
‘Get a free book when you register’.
What’s the book about?
Why should I care?
How much is the book worth?
If you don’t know the answer to those 3 things you don’t know what the value of the offer is.
Let’s take a look at writing a great offer. And as we do you’ll start to see why the 2 examples given above are bad offers.
Then we’ll look at improving them.

Writing Bad Offers
Writing Great Offers
Getting good at writing offers takes time. And a little bit of effort.
But with a few key learnings and 5 simple tools you can start writing offers that work.
How do we know if an offer works?
It makes sales.
‘Great marketing’ is subjective.
Even when using AI for your marketing.
But if you want to make it objective, here’s a great way of looking at it.
Great marketing is marketing that gets you results.
That gets you a return on investment.
And makes money.
So let’s take a look at how you can write offers that make you money.
The 5 Tools And Tips To Writing Great Offers
1. Make It A No Brainer
This seems obvious.
But unless you know what a ‘no-brainer’ offer is…
You won’t write one.
And that’s why people get caught out when they use ‘10% off’.
Or ‘get a free book’.
If you want to make an offer a no-brainer, you have to stack it.
Instead of having one or two give aways, stack them.
Give away as much as you can.
For example, instead of ‘10% off’ an event, imagine if you gave away:
80% off (that’s already so much better)
A free book signed by the author
A 1-2-1 strategy session AFTER the event
3 live coaching sessions BEFORE the event
Access to the training vault with 90 videos
A ticket to ANOTHER all-day, in-person event when you buy a ticket for this one
Can you see how much better that is? How does ‘10% off’ compare to that?
It’s night and day.
Why would you only offer 10%?
It’s barely even noticeable.
If you want to get people in…
Especially if they are people that have never done business with you…
…it has to be exciting.
So when you come to writing your next offer, stack it.
Keep adding things that the customers would LOVE.
See how many different things you can add to the list.
Think of all the products that you sell that you could add on for free.
Especially those that cost you very little to acquire in the first place.
Make it seem like a no-brainer.
Like you’d be crazy to miss out on it.
Here’s an example with 11 items included in the offer:

An Example Of Stacking An Offer
2. Give It A Deadline
The tele-shopping channels were the masters at using a deadline.
And using offers to make sales.
They were also great with the amount of marketing activity they were doing.
You remember the TV channels that sold junk that you wouldn’t normally buy?
The copy or words they used weren’t fantastic.
And neither was the target market.
But if they were selling a product for 10 minutes, they spent 9 mins 50 seconds pumping offers at the viewers.
And the offers would get bigger and better the closer they got to the deadline.
Then once that clock hit 0…
…the offer was gone forever.
And that’s what made it great.
It’s the ONLY thing they did well.
They had rubbish products, with poor copy and no specificity on the target market…
But the offer’s were sensational.
And there’s something that they did really well when pushing the offer. They made it VERY apparent that the deadline was approaching FAST.
They had a countdown clock.
And the sales person would constantly point out the fact that the clock was ticking.
They even leveraged the clock and used it as a milestone.
Every time they passed the minute marker, they’d make the offer even more attractive.
But there was an impending sense of doom. The clock was ticking and it made people speed up.
They didn’t want to miss out.
FOMO was real (the fear of missing out).
And because everything was moving so fast, you didn’t have time to realise that you didn’t even need the product being sold.
If the person that you are selling to thinks that the offer will be around tomorrow, they may as well buy it tomorrow.
But tomorrow never comes.
And the law of diminishing intent suggests that the longer you leave something, the less likely you are to take action.
So use a deadline.
Have a countdown timer.
And draw attention to the fact that the offer won’t be here forever.
3. Make It Unique
It’s important that you stack your offer.
Instead of only having ‘10% off’…
…you want to have 6-12 features that you’re including in the offer.
But here’s the thing.
When you stack the offer and add lots of different features to it, you need to make sure the features aren’t things that your competitors are offering.
And make sure they definitely aren’t offering them for free!
Let’s look at Estate Agents for an example.
Imagine getting 3 agents out to give you a price.
Let’s say they all charged £4000 for selling a house.
But one of them had an incredible offer.
It was an offer that gave away £18,000 worth of features for just £4000.
So you looked closer at the features that totalled £18,000.
And they were all things that the other agents included in their £4000.
Like professional photography.
Or a free valuation.
Now the buyer doesn’t trust you.
Because you tried to deceive them.
But if they looked at the list of features that you’ve valued at £18,000…
…and it included things that no other agent offered.
Things like a second valuation once the house had been on the market for 4 weeks.
A second set of photographs after 6 weeks.
50% off solicitor fees.
And a free removal van on the day of completion.
You’d sign the paperwork as quick as possible!
So make sure that your offers are unique, they are genuine and they include something that’s useful for the customer.
4. Offer A Guarantee
Guarantee’s are an obvious choice.
The complexity comes from choosing WHAT you should guarantee.
The answer to “what should you guarantee” comes in the form of a question.
What is your customer worried about?
Find out what it is by running some market research.
And do what you can to guarantee that problem won’t happen.
And whatever you do, make sure the guarantee is genuine.
No trickery.
A few simple terms and conditions.
And make sure that you’re good enough to do what you said you was going to do.

Writing Offers Using A Guarantee
5. Show Them What It’s Worth
Let’s take the example we used further up the page.
Imagine you’re running an event and you chuck in a free book if they register now.
If that book isn’t listed anywhere for sale.
How is the buyer supposed to know how much value they are getting with their ‘free book’.
The same goes if you’re offering something with a ‘perceived value’.
For example, you might offer a free 1-2-1 strategy session with every ticket that’s purchased.
If you don’t make it clear how much that session is worth, it becomes less valuable.
But if you stated ‘Get a free 1-2-1 strategy session worth £475’…
…things change.
All of a sudden I’m getting £475 off.
And here’s something that makes the offer even more powerful.
If the product or service that you are including in the offer is listed elsewhere on your site at full market value.
If the book that you’re giving away is listed elsewhere at £15.
And the 1-2-1 strategy session is listed at £475.
All of a sudden the offer becomes tangible and real.
Don’t state that your 1-2-1 strategy session or other ‘perceived value’ product or service is worth more than it actually is.
Being ethical is an important part of writing a great offer.
To make this clear.
Everything that you are giving away as part of your offer should indicate a value.
Try putting the product or service and then how much it’s worth.
For example:
‘You’ll also get a free 1-2-1 strategy session worth £475’
Let’s take our ‘stacked example’ from earlier and add in how much each thing is worth:

A Stacked Offer With The Value Of Each Product
Once you’ve shown how much each thing is worth, show the TOTAL VALUE.
In the example above, the total value is £31,582.
Then make your new price ultra visible.
In this example, you’re getting over $31,000 worth of stuff for $97.
No Brainer!
An Example – Writing A Bad Offer VS Writing A Great Offer
Let’s imagine you are selling tickets for an event.
The event is a business growth event and it’s for women only.
You’ve written a letter, an email and a paid advert on social media and now you need an offer to finish the marketing off.
Let’s start with a bad example.
The copy is finished off with this offer…
‘And if you book your place at the event we’ll give you 10% off”
That doesn’t feel like a no-brainer.
Nor is it unique.
It comes with no guarantee.
There’s no deadline…
And we don’t know what the ‘real value’ of 10% is.
But if the offer said:
And because we want to stop 96% of companies failing we’re going to give you this once in a lifetime offer.
Only if you book today.
Because we only have 5 tickets left.
And this offer will make sure the tickets SELL OUT TODAY.
So register now and you’ll get:
80% off the ticket price – Worth £120
A free book signed by the author – Worth £50
A 1-2-1 strategy session with James AFTER the event – Worth £375
3 live coaching sessions BEFORE the event – Worth £750
Access to the training vault with 90 videos – Worth £999
A ticket to ANOTHER all-day, in-person event when you buy a ticket for this one – Worth £500
That means if you REGISTER TODAY you’ll get £2794 pounds worth of value for just…
That feels like a no-brainer right?
And when you compare that offer with the one that says ‘10% off’, there’s a night and day difference.
If you get the offer right, you’re in serious danger of making sales.
Because a good offer is even more important than the copy.
But to write good offers.
And learn about these kind of strategies…
…you have to work ON the business.
And not in it.
So use the 5 tools that will help you write a great offer.
- Make it a no-brainer
- Create an offer that’s unique
- Give them a deadline
- Use a guarantee
- And show them how much the things you’re adding in are worth.
And watch what happens to your conversion.
Let us know what great offers you come up with in the comments box.
And until next time, go get em!